Anyway, so I am out and about, and I see another Muslim. The standard greeting for Muslims is "Assalamu Alaikum" being Muslim, I would say that.
Since you are a Muslim too ( play along here) you would respond " Wa alaikum assalam". Seems pretty civilized, right? Especially, when you consider that the literal translation is 'Peace be with you' and the response means 'and upon you be peace.' An extended version of the greeting, actually means--get this- 'May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be with you.'
Now, understand that the amount of knowledge I have about the middle east conflict ( past and present) and/or the intricacies of Islam, being Muslim, the factions of Muslim's. the differences between Sunnis and Shiites, or in fact ANYTHING to do with Islam and being Islamic could fit on a dust molecule on a gnat..but I do know this: the standard greeting of Muslim's world wide is a declaration of peace, love and mercy.
I am not going to list the atrocities of terrorism, or the current hideous examples of terrorist activities that are prevalent now in Syria or Iraq...but I do know this: If I were a Muslim in the Western World...I sure would be speaking up around the water cooler about how, perhaps Islam is not necessarily about religious persecution. Or is it?
Western people in general, don't know bupkus about the middle east, or about what being Muslim means. If I were Muslim, I would try to explain that groups like Isis, or the Taliban, don't necessarily speak for Muslim's everywhere.
I would try to explain, to the western person in my sphere...that their activities do not speak for me, as a Muslim.
I know that 'Christian' religions also have had their share of hate-mongering and religious conflict. See: "Spanish inquisition"
But, we've come a long way since then, baby...we don't poop in the woods anymore either.
Admittedly, I have not 'you-tubed' Muslim's speaking out against terrorism...and if I did, I would hope that there are many video's posted about how these groups do not speak for Muslim's everywhere. I really hope so, but I am afraid to look because I don't want to see all the other videos put up by militant Muslims.
So to all my Muslim friends, pen-pals and other Muslim folk who may or may not be reading this right now...please, if Islam really is about peace, mercy and the grace of Allah...say something!
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