Ok, So I am writing a 'this is my first impression of Kuwait' before I even get to Kuwait. Yeah,Yeah,Yeah I know..how dare I? It's easy. This is my blog and I can say what I want. Ha!
While I am not arriving in Kuwait until August, I can say unequivocally that when it comes to Kuwait--people love it or hate it.
Now, before you feel the need to leave nasty comments about how since I haven't even touched down in Kuwait yet, who am I to say anything about Kuwait? ( and you'd be right, kinda sorta) Understand that the internet is here people, and it's pretty easy to do your research--and research I have.
From googling " Kuwait blogs" to "life in Kuwait" to "is dating illegal in Kuwait" the data is out there and the jury has handed in their verdict.
People love Kuwait. And People hate Kuwait.
People love it because:
- Life is easy. You can hire anyone to do anything. You don't want to carry your groceries to your car? No problem, you can hire someone to do that! You don't want to carry the groceries up to your flat? No problem! You can get someone to do that! Ditto: Cleaning your flat, doing your nails, washing windows, renting movies, delivery of food etc.
- The weather is good! ( albeit very hot in the summer but since its a "dry heat" the heat isn't that bad) but the main thing is, there is no snow. Canadians appreciate a winter with no snow. A lot.
- The quality of life. Restaurants, malls, abound and expats can get anything they want--at a price. There is regular internet.
- Gas is cheap. With gas coming in at over 1.35$ a litre in Canada now, thats another perk for Canadians.
People hate it because:
- Life is easy. Life is easy, apparently because of the idea that you can hire anyone to do anything, in Kuwait. The 'easy street' idea is riding on the backs of the immigrant worker who is there to working for slave wages. Racism abounds.
- The weather is not good. It's too bloody hot! 110 degrees F is too friggin hot!! And its a dry heat, so it feels like an oven.
- The quality of life sucks. All there is to do, is to go shopping at the endless parade of malls, eat out in one of the many restaurants and sit around drinking another cup of coffee at 2KD a pop. There is regular internet but sites are blocked, netflix is unreliable and there is nothing to do.
- The crazy driving. Sure, gas is cheap but who wants to take their life in their hands by driving on the roads where people drive like maniacs and their one aim is to go as fast as they can to the next shopping mall, so that they can purchase stuff they don't need, and sit at Starbucks drinking coffee they don't want.
So. My first impression of Kuwait? Ya love it, or you hate it. I will keep you posted.
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