Monday, 1 September 2014

Kuwait: My trip to the hospital

Ok so I did not really go to the hospital...well yeah, I did, but it was just to buy some coffee ( there is a Second Cup there) and not to have anything poked, prodded, x-rayed or repaired. This is what the hospital looks like from the outside:
I know right? Pretty civilized--wait until you see inside!

This is the Emergency Department. What's missing from this picture?? Thats right--PEOPLE! Either they dont get sick here in Kuwait, or the wait time is 2.3 seconds. Just an fyi? It's the latter. 

This is Pediatric kid was in there. Check out all the rooms down the hall. Empty.

I wonder if they hold balls here....the stair case looks very " Gone with the wind" dont you think?

Part of the Emergency Department

The main it just me that thinks this looks like a hotel lobby?


So here is how hospitals work in Kuwait. There are private hospitals ( like the one above) and there are government hospitals. Private hospitals are pay per use, government hospitals are free. Private hospitals, you get served right away, the care is fast and efficient and it's how a lot of the Kuwaitis get their medical treatment. It's also how all the expats that are here on a cushy compensation package get their medical treatment. ( myself included)
The Government hospitals are for everybody else. The scores of people in Kuwait who do the down and dirty work. The cleaners, the maids, the cashiers the shop girls the bag handlers the waiters and waitresses--all the people that keep Kuwait running in the style that it is accustomed to. 
I would suspect that those hospitals are not quite as pretty. 
Will track one down, and perhaps do a compare and contrast for you? That should be interesting....and kinda scary. 

Plastic surgery is big here. Think...Joan Rivers big. And so is gastric bypass surgery. From what I can surmise, the Kuwaitis believe that throwing money at problems ( aging, obesity) kinda makes the problems go away. I guess it does--for a while, but money really doesn't solve all our problems for long. Honest. 

Another hospital. Private. Note the curved building. They liked that curved building look here--very "Dubai-esque, eh?" ( yep, I just said "eh")

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